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This page is all about tips, tricks, and information to go with the food provided in your packages. Just click on a picture to gain knowledge on food preparation, storage, how to set goals, and more!

Varieties of Grain

Make Half of Your Grains Whole

This tip sheet helps you understand the importance of whole grains and how to choose them. 

Make Better Beverage Choices

This tip sheet provides you with information on how to cut down the calories from soda, juice, and more. 

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Knife Skills

This handout is to help you improve your knife skills and introduces you to fancy cuts to make your food more interesting.

Freezing and Food Safety

Freezing your fruits and veggies requires following some simple food safety practices to ensure you stay happy and healthy. 

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Have you been told you need to eat more fiber? This handout explains the importance of fiber and some great sources of the nutrient.

Goal Setting

This handout is to help you set goals related to nutrition. 



This handout is all about what a healthy plate looks like. 

Meal Planning

This handout will help you use the foods you already have to create healthy meals for the week. 


What Did You Learn?

Get in touch today to request additional nutrition related information.

(518) 458-1167

We will get back to you shortly with the information you've requested.

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